CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites

HUMANAV SOLUTIONS Spend less in logistics & more in your aid programmes

Humanav logo

HUMANAV is first and foremost an ongoing, long-term partnership aimed at understanding and overcoming everyday challenges in the field. Launched in 2006, this dedicated web platform tracks and manages humanitarian fleets, thereby enhancing the safety, security, and effectiveness of aid agencies everywhere.

Regularly upgraded thanks to in-house innovations and customer feedback, HUMANAV provides UN agencies with the very latest technological advances so as to best serve their operations and optimize their fleet performance.

Enabling agencies to spend less in logistics and more in their aid programmes is one of our drivers and has built our reputation as a reliable, long-term and efficient partner for ensuring project success.

Contact our team

The aims of HUMANAV for aid partners are clear:

  • First, to ensure the safety of staff, as well as of goods & vehicles
  • Reduce fleet costs
  • Optimize fleet use
  • Prevent unauthorized fleet use


ask for a demo

connected devices

100,000 devices connected by CLS mobiles solutions

aid vehicle

12,000 aid vehicles tracked each day


450 fleet management customers


30+ years of experience working with aid agencies


Solutions used in more than 120 countries


900 secure

Discover HUMANAV’s fleet management features

HUMANAV users benefits

Monitor your
fleet worldwide

 Improve awareness
and control of your field operations

your costs

Reduce your
carbon footprint

How does HumaNav work?

CLS Mobility HumaNav Solution Schema

“HUMANAV’s key role is to support aid agencies by enabling them to focus on their respective missions. Our aim is to really help our community of users move towards a ‘transport as a service’ approach, and to provide the benchmark solution for a safe, flexible and available fleet that ensures rapid intervention in the field.”

Pierre CUNY, HUMANAV Product Leader

Latest News

26 July 2024

Digital Logbook: How Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) can daily help Fleet Managers?

CLS is solving these issues with its new Digital Logbook feature, transforming vehicle tracking for humanitarian missions. Read more

18 June 2024

Speeding in humanitarian vehicles: the perils and solutions

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death, with an estimated 1.35 million fatalities globally each year. Read more