CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites

Dashboards & KPIs Data analysis & Strategic asset management

Different areas for strategic priority management: fleet use and costs, safety and security, fleet management, driver behaviour.

Real business integrated into the user interface to explore and analyze data collected in the field and automate reporting to improve fleet use and costs.


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Dashboard of KPIs


Management with a view
to reduce fleet operating costs


returns on investment


asset management


  • Gain a broader perspective of business and a quick view of key indicators through clear, dynamic graphics
  • Define reliable indicators for decision-making, and establish action plans
  • Easily share analyzed information with your teams: management, fleet manager and operations, finance departments, purchase departments, users and so on


  • Simple and user-friendly interface.
  • Interactive dashboards and data that is accessible to all types of user
  • Automatic reports for boosting productivity and access to up-to-date information
  • Dynamic navigation around various lines of analysis: overview, detailed view (focus on data indicators by period, by country or region, etc.)