CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites


10 November 2017 - News

Discover our project: FOSTER-ITS

First Operational, Secured and Trusted galiLEo Receiver for ITS applications


The FOSTER ITS receiver is designed to increase the reliability and robustness of positioning, even in the more frequent cases of GNSS attacks (jammers, etc.). These attacks distort the GPS position generated by a standard receiver, or completely cancel its ability to generate a position, with the security risks that this represents. The FOSTER ITS receiver is able to protect the terminal in case of attacks.

The aims of FOSTER-ITS are the security of the GNSS against attacks and the electronic signature (formal proof and non-repudiation).

application de foster its

FOSTER-ITS is a three years project, started in 2015, that has received funding from the European GNSS Agency under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641492.

More information on the FOSTER-ITS website.


Created, designed and developed by ST Life Augmented & FDC.
Certification process enabled by NavCert.
Integrated and full-scale tested by Novacom Services

FOSTER ITS Availability

FOSTER ITS Number of vehicles

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