CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites

Eazydroid: The app that guarantees waste collection service quality

13 April 2022 - Waste management & urban cleanliness

Eazydroid applicationThe Eazydroid mobile app enables waste collection services to monitor operations at all times, and to obtain the information required to react and adapt to every situation.

CLS optimizes waste collection management via its Eazy Collecte system and onboard Navdroid tablet, giving field agents access to powerful route management and monitoring tools.

While its Eazydroid mobile app provides operators, local authorities and council workers with a waste collection tracking and prediction tool.


Eazydroid, for the mobile tracking of your waste collection activities

Available for smartphone and tablet devices, the Eazydroid app enables field agents to manage their task requests.

Connected directly to the Eazy Collecte platform, the app allows all operations to be tracked remotely and ensures rapid response times in the event of a collection request e.g., from a full drop-off point.

The Eazydroid app guides agents through their rounds, relaying completed tasks and bin collections to the platform as they go.

Fint out more about the Eazydroid app


Eazydroid application operator profileSimple and comprehensive

The Eazydroid app displays vehicle locations and completed routes via a simple and intuitive user interface, and provides navigational assistance towards bins and vehicles fitted with an RFID chip.

It also informs the user of specific events and anomalies, with the help of photographic images. No more having to contact the waste collection department or return to HQ to report an urgent collection request: agents can simply register a request via the app! This request is displayed immediately on the Eazy Collecte platform, ensuring operators an immediate response and a better quality of service.


waste collection roundEfficient waste management

Eazydroid makes life much easier for waste collection managers, enabling them to monitor all operations anytime, anywhere. But that’s not all: the app also ensures that operations are performed to the highest level and that teams on the ground respond instantly.

Illegal dumping, bin overflow, untreated zones due to blocked access e.g., by roadworks, plus urgent collections following a local festival or sports event can be reported via the app in real time, allowing the manager receiving the information to send an additional team or backup vehicles.

Meanwhile, for local authorities, Eazydroid provides all the information required to provide their constituents with unfailingly clean streets and unbeatable waste collection!

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